Latest Project


Cricket Auction System

The Cricket Auction System is a web application developed for the college cricket league, aimed at simplifying the player registration and auction process. It is built using Node.js, Express.js, EJS, and MongoDB, providing a seamless experience for managing player registrations and conducting auctions.


Jarvis AI

Jarvis AI is an advanced Android application developed using Java and XML that brings the power of voice commands to your smartphone. With Jarvis AI, you can perform various tasks effortlessly just by using your voice.



The MasteryPrep is an online platform to learn the basic fundamentals of programming to crack technical interviews. It provides basics of Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management System, Object Oriented Programming, Problem Solving and Common Interviw Questions. It is built using MERN Stack i.e., React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB.



The To-Do List application is a simple yet powerful tool designed to help you stay organized and manage your tasks effectively. It provides a user-friendly interface to create, track, and prioritize your to-do items seamlessly.


Tic Tac Toe

The Tic Tac Toe is a simple and user friendly web game that two players can play. that also provides a reset button and also provides different sounds on click and on winning. This website is made using HTML, CSS and Javascript.


Book E Sell

The Book E Sell is a Full Stack Web Application that can be used to sell and buy books online. Implemented user registration, user login, admin login, searching for books, adding to cart, buying, publishing etc. This website is made using React, Node.js, Express, MonogDB and CSS.